Contact Your Dentists in Novi, Michigan
Also Serving Patients from South Lyon, Lyon, Green Oak, Farmington, Livonia, Northville, Plymouth, West Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills, Wixom, Salem and Worden, Michigan
Thank you for visiting Briar Pointe Dentistry online! Our dentists and team offer comprehensive dental care in Novi, Michigan, and welcome patients from Farmington, Livonia, Northville, Plymouth, West Bloomfield and Bloomfield Hills. At our office, we see adults, kids and special needs patients and people who need a great deal of work to maximize their smiles. As one of two dental offices in the state to offer IV sedation in-house, we can ensure your comfort while providing you with the treatments you need. To meet with Dr. Neil Blavin or Dr. Rikki Blavin to discuss your new smile, call our office today. We are also proud to serve patients from South Lyon, Lyon, Green Oak, Farmington, Livonia, Northville, Plymouth, West Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills, Wixom, Salem and Worden, Michigan.